Chikita's Fanfiction Hub
Mental Bulima - I can't stop it!

Threads of Fate

Friday, August 18, 2006
I have mentioned that I write fanfiction, and this particular one is borrowinf characters from Fushigi Yuugi (or as it is translated into English, The Mysterious Play).

Threads of Fate is one of my longer ones... ok, I digress, it's my longest one, as it's still ongoing and there is no bloody end in sight.

This was started after I finished Plura Ater Nox (NC17: rated for mature content) - an experiament in fanfiction, wherein I decided to not only mix original characters, but, also use a historical time period and fictional character as the basis for my story.

Like with PAN, this is also a fanfic, and likewise, long-winded as hell, but, unlike PAN, TOF is set post-FY so that I was able to take liberties with character development and plot progression.

Threads of Fate

There are 4 parts to the prologue and to date, 31 chapters, with this entry as the most recent entry: Chapter 31.

The site I post it at requires that there be a rating on it, mainly to protect the writers and the site operators from overly-stupid parents. The rating is say "you've been warned."

I have selected the rating of NC17 for this story because of the following themes that are presented in the story:
- Suicide
- Homocide
- Death
- Depression
- Betryal
- Violence
- Angst
- Abuse
- Questionable relationships
- Exploration of sexuality
- Profanity
- Kidnapping
- Reckless driving
- Dark humour

et cetera...

I'm sure there is something I forgot.

In other words, if you don't have a strong stomach for horror and other forms of fiction that explore the darkside of humanity, it is advised that you stay away.
7:31 AM :: 0 Comments ::

A.I. :: Permalink

Chikita's Fanfiction Index

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I have found myself now without a home for my fanfiction, so, I have decided that it is time that I use a blog to track my fanfiction, and so that if I indeed have any readers, they can follow the updates here.

This will be the medium which I use to post updates and links to my various pieces of fanfiction, so that each will be indexed in a central location.

Single entries will be titled appropriately and entries, which are updates for multi-part fanfiction will be linked to an older entry that has the link list of all the chapters in chronological order.
9:22 AM :: 0 Comments ::

A.I. :: Permalink